Lookup Startup Info with One Click


Toggle starry sidebar

When a website is done loading, a Starry logo will appear in the address bar. Simply click on the logo to toggle the sidebar containing funding/traffic info for current site. Please note that Starry only works on sites opened after the installation.

Report bug or
data inaccuracy

Starry tries very hard to ensure its best performance and data quality. However, occasionally something might go wrong. If you see any problem, please click on the bug icon to send a report and we’ll address it as soon as possible.

save startup to favorite

See a startup that you are really interested in? Click on the star banner icon in the sidebar to save it for later. All websites marked as favorite will be organized into a bookmark folder called “Starry Favorites”.

why am i seeing this?

Starry doesn't store personal data. You are safe with us.

In order to create a sidebar with startup info, Starry needs to know which website your’re visiting and insert HTML code to display that sidebar. Also, to easily mark a startup website as favorite, Starry needs to access your bookmarks as well. Unfortunately, Chrome doesn't offer any granularity with permissions requests — it's an all-or-nothing approach for extension makers and this is why you are seeing this scary message before installation.

However, Starry doesn't store any personal data under any circumstances, so you are safe with us.
Click here for more information regarding Chrome extension permission, 

People Who Love Us

Love us as well? Like us on Facebook or follow us on Twitter
Even better, leave Starry a review on Chrome Store.


We’ll respond as soon as possible.

Email:     liviavinci@gmail.com
Email:     chengc0425@gmail.com
Phone:   +1 415 987 9462

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